What do I look for in a mate? Too many people have been bugging me for this so I decided to consolidate what I think I want into a list. The list is broken into two parts. The first will be my top 10 qualities list. The second would be the good-to-have bonus points list. Enjoy!
- A smile sweet to the bone, makes the heart melt. (Of course, she must also like to smile)
- A natural grace which comes from maturity and confidence.
- A witty humor to make the joking bearable and keep the bantering interesting.
- A quiet selfless nature means she care for you unconditionally and from her heart. She craves not for attention but hope to bring happiness to people around.
- Has an abundance of love and responsibility, especially for kids and family.
- Open to criticisms. Constantly self-reflecting and improving. Must be reasonable to a degree.
- Sensitive but not overly so. Sometimes any amount of care is enough.
- Socially adept, friendly and has an active social circle with some class.
- Must be a music lover. Being some kind of musician helps.
- Never gambles or smokes or do drugs. Being rebellious is one thing, these are dangerous habits that are hard to shake.
- At least know how to cook 3 dishes I like
- Has a beautiful voice
- Plays go and is stronger than 10 kyu
- Has dancing background, preferably ballet
- Great fashion sense
- Natural beauty (Does not require makeup)
- Thrifty or financially sensible
- Has a love for writing and reading
- Organized and strongly capable of multitasking
- Maintain high level of cleanliness and neatness
- Athletic, love various sports or running
- Makes lingerie’s look good or look good in lingerie’s (It’s all about packaging)
- Has a close and loving family
- Possesses substantial wealth (You can’t complain about more money)
- Wide hipbones to ease the delivery of babies. (Tight hipbones squeeze babies fragile head as they are delivered)
- Constantly shower me with pleasant surprises
- Is not high maintenance (Attention-wise, financially I think I can still manage)
- Believes in trust in relationships completely and my loyalty (None of that insecure BS, building things up in your head and whining about every encounter I have with the opposite sex)
- High stress tolerance/thresholds. Must be positive thinking (always look at the bright side) yet realistic (Not delusionally positive).
- Accustomed to Chinese culture.
- Has the traditional values especially pertaining to morals and family
- Open to new and better ideas/suggestions
- Willing to give up her career for her family
- Intoxicating, unforgettable scent (You are what you eat. I think vegeterians smell best.)
- Calm and logical, handle self with poise (You can be spontaneous, just not erratic and insane)
"17. Is not high maintenance (Attention-wise, financially I think I can still manage)"
真臭屁!!!你還沒有見識過真正high-maintenance financially的女人有多可怕...你以為你真的可以應付嗎?
and btw, you like cucumbers...all girls have to do is cut that up...>_<~~太容易了...
Hmmmm, ok, but maybe I haven't met the super high financial maintenance women.
Dude, cucumbers is only 1 dish, even if I never get tired of it. But that is not cooking. That is cutting. I mean 3 cooked dishes!!!
I suggest you to also write about your own top 10 and 25 bonus qualities. For a guy who requires so much for his future mate, what is he offering?
Duly noted. So many good qualities, hard to limit to a top 10. Let me think about it first.
It is not possible to write my own bonus qualities simply because bad qualities may also appealing to others.
RE: the bonus list...
Tai guo fen le!!!!
No wonder you're still single!!!! hehehe :)
May you have success finding such a women. Yeah, what do you have to offer to such a divine goddess?
Anonymous, who are you?
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