Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Frueza Bruta

First of all, let's all jump up and down to celebrate my 500th post.

Special thanks to Sofyna for the tickets.

I walked in not knowing what to expect, only to find a man on the stage. He started to walk and then ran, then sprinted as breeze of rain blew at him. Obviously, this is the artistic type of show which you can leave with your own interpretation. My take on the running man is that it symbolizes first of all, all of us. Life moves forward and never looks back. It may go at different pace, but it will always go forward without stop. It does not matter what kind of obstacles stand in your way, you have to break free and continue on your way.

Then the man got shot, fell to the ground and seconds later, he is up again. He starts walking while at the same time undressing to clean clothings. To me, this is the struggle of failure, response, recovery, rebirth and then finding the strength to face the obstacle again.

Another set involves a wave of running pair on the wall. The motion of a flow that turns into rage is like the internal struggles one feels when confronting fear. Then we are directed to the hovering stage of a transparent hanging pool. The performers poses in different forms as the water ripples around creating beautiful shapes. Varying lights and music jabs at the mind, pushing the limits. Then the performers start to mix dives and splashes as the stage decends over the crowd. Weird and somewhat disturbing, yet the crowd was going wild.

Honestly, it did not appeal to me intellectually or even manage to stimulate any impulse that was suggested by the title. It was hardly original as it resembled the Las Vegas's 'O' show which was known for the water effect. Luckily, I only had to stand for an hour for the whole show.

Still, 500 posts is not an easy task and you should be proud of me. By the way, you can stop jumping now.

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