In a couple of days, Obama will be inaugurated marking the official end of Bush's miserable 8 year presidency term.
“I inherited a recession, I’m ending on a recession,” he(Bush) noted at his press conference on January 12th. He wasn’t asking for pity, only to be judged on what happened in between. Unfortunately, that economic legacy is littered with wasted opportunity, bad judgments and politicised policy. The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America’s retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess.
It has been a roller coaster ride watching Bush run the show, not knowing what and where his incompetence will screw up next.
4 years ago, John Kerry completely destroyed Bush in the presidential debate, coming out as the more level headed, composed, reasonable and intelligent candidate. Heck, Bush was not even answering the questions or staying on topic through the debate, instead he was reiterating one point and one point only, "We need this war!!". What surprised me was that he still had a commanding lead over Kerry after the debate and people were calling Kerry indecisive because he kept changing his mind.
Isn't one of the most important skills as a leader the ability to adapt to situations no matter how dire? With new information and the world in constant change, doesn't that warrant a need to be flexible in thinking and actions? Isn't it important to be able to learn from mistakes? And what has Bush done in 4 years? Why don't we give him another 4 years to screw up more?
Honestly, I never felt pity for the mess US is in now. They had been bullies, barbarians, robbers and to make it worse, they sugarcoat it with noble intentions. Peace, equality and freedom. For who or whom, may I ask? They have been abusing their superior power and status since Russia fell out of the picture. They have been consumed by greed for money and power. The Americans are to blame for their own plight. So do they deserve any pity? I think not.
Bush gave his farewell speech yesterday saying that while most people have recovered from the trauma of 911, he never did as he shoulders the responsibility of maintaining peace and order of the United States. He made the tough decisions and seven years without a terrorist attack is proof that war was the right decision. His conviction is that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace. In the long run, advancing this belief is the only practical way to protect Americans.
I almost wanted to smash my TV. How can it be the only practical way when it leads to heavy draining of the nation's resources and drives the nation further into debt? How can nothing happening be sufficient proof that something works? What about using violence as a form of suppression to force people to accept freedom? Digging their nose into every business that is not their own, using their superiority to control things the way they want, yet you stand there and claim America did nothing to deserve the conflict with terrorists?
Bush continue to baffles me with his weak arguments and flawed logic. And please, please don't give me all these hypocritical trying-to-sound-noble crap. Yes, you made the tough decisions. But you did not make the right decisions. You created more problems than you solved. That, Mr Clueless, is the story of your presidency.
Which brings us to Obama Barrack. Do I think he can reduce the deficit, calm the lost confidence, bring US out of the current economic crisis and reclaim US's dominance in the world? No. Though no fault of his own, I think Bush left too much of a mess and Obama came in with too little chips on his hand to make a difference. He will try, but he will fail. The important thing is his presidency will stand for something at least. Change. Hopefully, it is for the better.
God bless USA. It is not a given, it is a prayer.