Friday, July 31, 2009
Mini-Weiqi (11 X 11 Board)

張鈞甯 - 白色模特
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm a doctor!!

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fatand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
4. The Italians drink a lot of red wineand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

- 减低资源的的浪费,降低的成本,提升回报。
- 改善工作环境,诚恳的请求员工的建议,让员工有归属感和对工作有自豪感。
- 统一系统,电脑网络化,教育员工,为增加工作效率。
- 提升透明度,教育客户,以便互建信任。
前晚,看了”For Love Of The Game”,主角热爱着棒球。他的一生活在有一天他不能再打棒球的恐惧。那天,站在投手区,他突然想起了他的故事,他最心爱的女人,他受过伤的右手。。。
不知不觉中,他投了7 局完美球赛。疲累和酸疼渐渐使他的身体麻痹。那一刻,他下定了决心,比完他最后一场比赛,就放弃棒球。九局完毕,完美球赛,历史性的奇迹。他的努力让缺乏信心的队友变强,那一直最孤单的投手区不再孤单。突破极限的不只是投手,那是全队一起创造的奇迹。
隔天,他独个在机场看着飞机起降,等待飞往伦敦。昨夜的庆胜会,昨日的比赛,仿佛如梦。想着,再过几个小时,一个海洋后,他们会再见面。 那时,他会。。。
The New HST - 12% sales tax
Friday, July 24, 2009
Jessica Alba - Fantastic Goddess
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Dark Alley

It had been a long tiring night. Her feet were sore and her delicate pale skin was blotchy. The sweat, caused by her endless dancing, had blocked the pores in her face. But despite this she was still beautiful, if a little exhausted.
“Thanks mum – I love you ” Carol had said to her as she had climbed into her brother’s car outside the club. It was all she could manage. She had been a little the worse for wear and had decided to call it a night. Before that though, she had to fulfill her responsibility as a friend. She re-entered the club and started looking for Jen. Jen was Jen, as ever, and was trying desperately to get noticed. Tonight, as it turned out, it was a fireman who she settled on. They were laughing and joking by the stairs. After brief introductions, she’d left them to it and went off for a little dance. Some of the other girls from Med school were in tonight. You needed to let your hair down once in a while. The studying was hard going, but it would pay off in the end. She would be a doctor one day, and she knew her parents would rightly be proud.
At the end of the evening as the light came up the toll, bleary eyed and sweat stained, the late owls slowly staggered towards the door. An instant fatigue set in when the music stopped, and their bodies were screaming for rest. Jen caught up with her outside the cloakroom. She was clinging tightly to her newly acquired fireman.
“I’m going back to Brandon’s” she turned as if to check he was still there. She was clinging on tight. “I’ll call you when I get home” she leant closer “or in the morning” she winked and smiled. “don’t worry I’ll be safe”
“You make sure you call me”
“I will mother hen – promise” and with that she turned and waved as she entered the crowd which headed for the door. So the mother hen made her way to the bus stop. Her friends would be fine. They loved to party. But she loved her books. She might be able to get an hour’s study in before sleep overwhelmed her; at least that was the plan. All the hard work would be worth it in the long term. And that was how she liked to look at things, long term.
Just then another lost soul walked into sight. A plume of condensation escaped from his mouth as he rubbed his hands together in a futile attempt to restore some heat. His collars were turned up and his nose was red from the cold. He looked down at her thin pale legs that hung down from her delicate dress.
“You must be freezing..”
She looked across the waiting room but didn’t answer. He was wearing jeans, a denim shirt and a brown corduroy jacket with matching boots. His hair was combed neatly, clean and shaven. Under the dim light, he gave a warming smile.
“I’m sorry. You probably just want to get home. Consider me out of your life”
“No, I’m sorry. That was rude of me. I’m just a little tired that’s all. I think I’m numb.”
“I’m sorry too’ he said as wiped the wet breath from his hand, before extending it “I’m Sam” he extended his hand towards her. She in turn reached out from under her coat, offering her small, soft, childlike hand. She was conscious of her finger nails that were bitten to the quick, but he didn’t seem to notice. She would have blamed the exams if he had said anything. “enchante” he offered. She smiled as he grinned.
“Hi” she said with a little finger wave at her waist, before her hand went back under her coat, “I’m Carol.”
“Had a wild night?
“No. It’s not really my scene. But you have to relax once in a while, you know.”
“Tell me about it.” His smile widened. She smiled back. It’s late but it is always good to have company.
The conversation stuttered momentarily. She smiled, and her deep brown eyes added to the warmth she was able to exude without trying.
“I bought my dad a jacket like that, for his birthday last year” she nodded, using her head to point. Her hands were freezing.
“How old do I feel” he laughed, “but at least you’re a lady with taste.”
She laughed and smiled again.
“What time is the bus?”
“Six, I hope. They come every hour, I just missed the last one - it came early, I hope the next one comes early” That smile again.
“You’ve got nearly an hour” looking at his watch, “you’ll catch your death standing around. Here.” With that, like a gentleman, he took off his jacket and laid it on her.
“Thanks.”, she pulled the jacket closer and instantly felt warmed up. There he stood, even with a shirt on, she could tell he is ripped. He turned and caught her staring. She blushed and quickly turned away. She liked a man strong and gentle, the killer combination. But even more, she liked being treated like a lady.
“Hey, may I suggest a cup of coffee or tea? My treat. I know a coffee shop just round the corner that serves great teas all night. All the workmen working on the rail link love it” he pointed. Then for a moment his lower jaw started shaking as the creeping cold forced it to quiver in a vain attempt to generate heat. “Sorry” he apologised for freezing while stamping his feet for good measure.
The offer hung in the air with the condensation as she considered her options; freeze slowly or thaw out. Some guilt for letting him freeze also nudged her a little - a hot drink would be agreeable.
“You’re on. Let’s go wild”
As they turned the corner, she was weighing up whether to have tea or coffee. She was oblivious to the fact that he turned to look over his shoulder. He turned back and pulled his arm out of hers before he exploded. His clenched fist slammed into the side of her head, knocking her instantly to the ground. Disorientated she scrambled to find her bearings, she didn’t even know which way was up. Her head was spinning. He seized her hair with his left hand. So tightly that she could hear the roots being torn from her scalp as the sensation of heat spread across her scalp and met the wave of pain that emanated from her temple.
“Listen to me.” he whispered firmly “do NOT say a fucking word – do you understand me?”
She just stared with terrified eyes and sobbed. It wasn’t real. She felt like she had slipped into a parallel dimension. This wasn’t happening.
“DO YOU FUCKIN’ UNDERSTAND ME?” he spat through gritted teeth. For the first real time the alcohol fumes battered her face.
All she could do was nod and sob and shake.
He dragged her effortlessly deeper into the alley. Forcing her into a dirty doorway. The smell of stale urine assaulted her. The floor was ice cold and wet against her exposed legs.
“Right you little cunt. Suck this” he pulled down his zip and pulled his semi erect penis from within.
She cried and sobbed. Snot and blood hung from her chin and attached themselves to her torn blouse. He stank. His groin stank. He needed a wash. He forced his member into contact with her lips whilst simultaneously tightening his grip on her hair. She reached up with one hand to try to reduce the pain. It was futile. He mouth opened in pain and he forced his ever growing shaft into the warmth of her delicate mouth.
“That’s right.. that’s good… you love it you dirty little whore…” , he pushed his hips in toward her face as he drew a deep breath. “good girl.. good girl.. suck it harder..”
She closed her eyes in an attempt to shut it all out. She just wanted this nightmare to end. He tasted like salt and raw meat.
“Wank it as well..” he ordered as he again twisted her hair. He pulled her hand down from her hair to her mouth. “fuckin’ wank it.. that’s it.. wank it.. keep going..”
And then without warning he released his seed into her mouth. She gagged, and grizzled and sobbed. She hoped and preyed it was over.
“Swallow it… don’t fuckin spit it out, swallow it.. FUCKIN’ SWALLOW IT!”
She sobbed and wretched, and then swallowed. Anything to get him to stop hurting her. As he let go of her hair, she collapsed to the ground.
He pulled a half empty bottle of vodka from inside his jacket and took a large swig.
“Drink that, please.” he ordered, as he thrust the bottle towards her face. She reached up and took the bottle. She just wanted to get the taste of him out of her mouth, as she knocked it back. It burnt her mouth but at least it was over. He finished putting himself back in his jeans and stopped down to speak in her ear.
“Thanks. I needed that.” He stroked her hair, gently kiss her forehead and smiled.
The tears wouldn’t stop as she stared down at the wet concrete paving slabs, at a flattened cigarette packet covered in grime.
“Your bus should be arriving soon. I need to get going.” He stood up. Without warning he turned back and unleashed a fierce kick, directly into her in the centre of her chest. Her breast plate felt like it had snapped and her lungs like they had collapsed. She couldn’t breath. Bright lights burst on the edge of her field of vision as she drifted away and blacked out…
10 am. He looked into the bathroom mirror and two bloodshot eyes stared back. He turned on the shower, before returning to the mirror. Turning his head one way and then the other, he admired himself. He thought he looked good. His mouth was dry, so he turned on the tap and took a mouthful of luke warm water. He spat into the toilet and pulled back the shower curtain. Here we go again. Same old routine. Everyday.
His route to work took him past the scene. No police. That was the best possible sign. He turned the music up and let his mind drift away as he relived his adventure, and was intoxicated by the power. 10 minutes later he arrived at work and pulled into the car park. He sat in his car for a second. Carol. Sweet Carol. Now she will learn how to take care of herself. He had done some good.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Bully

Monday, July 20, 2009
It's over in a second.

No one heard it. He didn’t even feel it, as the gossamer thin blood vessel that traversed the inside of his skull just gave way... Blood poured from the gaping fissure and bled out into the cavity between the surface of his brain and the boney casing. Too much blood, too little space. Pressure was pushing in all directions in the delicate and intricate contours of the brain. Wooliness enveloped his head, like someone was spring cleaning his brain with too much soap. Flushed and extra heavy. He could barely stay awake. The faces of the crowd faded into shadows. The train felt like it stopped. Hot. No. Boiling. Air….. Need fresh air…. He couldn’t make a sound. He was choking. Had to get out. He ripped apart his shirt in agony. Tears of blood bursting out uncontrollably.