Jdimytai Damour, a 270 pound man, was trampled to death by rabid shoppers at a Wal-Mart in Long Island this past Friday.
Now, stampedes happen from time to time. In a time of panic, when people are desperately fleeing to a new area, it makes sense that sometimes people get hurt. You hear about it occasionally on the news: pilgrims trampled in Ramadan pilgrimage. Nigerians tramped in riot. Religious pilgrimages are emotional events usually in a poor country with people at their wits end scrounging for food.
But bear in mind, this is in Long Island. In US. Over Wal-Mart merchandise. On Thanksgiving.
Cause? Shoppers eager to get their hands on cheap, chinese-made goods literally broke down the store's glass doors, running over Damour. Yet, as people after people stepped over a man lying in a pile of glass, they would not stop. They can not stop as the back current rushed them in.
Now, I know the economy is bad. But, there will only be a small group of shoppers that are depending on Wal-Mart's holiday's discount in order to survive. Most of this insane mob of shoppers are probably looking for slashed prices on electronics, outdoor gears and clothing.
Thanksgiving used to be a time when people gave thanks for what they were given. Instead, now it has become a time when a man's life is brutally taken. Let us remember that even in the worst times, human lives are still the most important.
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