I hope you guys are all dressed up to have some fun. This is the time of the year to check out really cute costumes and get all crazy. Well, not too crazy. Anyways, here are some costumes I thought looked pretty and fun. Enjoy.

For the world, everyday now is a triage for the best actions or rather any action that can restore confidence and stability back market. Lately, there have been news on British Columbia residential real estate developmental projects that have either been postponed or shelved altogether. Let us examine the market to get a better understanding of what is to come.
85% of Canadian wealth is portrayed in home ownership. Since 2001, we have experienced a bull real estate cycle that has been described as once in every 50 years, and it has been coupled with the emergence of high-rise real estate. For Canada which has abundance of land, this was a huge change in real estate structure indicating a shift to higher density communities. Then with intensified population growth and business thriving as a result, profits were almost a given with the focus on maximizing the profits. However, the adulation of this bull cycle is the bear cycle that will follow and surprisingly, while people should be well aware of this simple logic, many underestimate the impact this coming bear cycle will bring.
People were buying residential units or lots, do some makeover and renovations, and then selling it at much higher price. Another group of flippers pay 5% or so for the down payment of pre-sale units, and find another buyer to buy it off them at a higher price. Problem is if you do not find someone to buy it off you by closing date, you either complete the deal which means you need to come up with the remaining 95% or you forfeit your deposit and face the possibility of being sued for damages if the real estate market price have fallen. To complete, there will also be other costs such as lawyer’s fees and transfer taxes. So in any case, the market condition is very crucial when you are investing to flip.
There are also long term investors or home owners who are not looking to sell in the short term. Naturally, they undertake less market risk than the flippers. However, there are many who has mortgages on their real estates increasing their financial burden when the market retreats.
So market demand has been dwindling especially with less foreign investors as their own countries slip into recession. While the prices have adjusted downwards (over 10%), the potential buyers are still waiting on the sidelines, waiting for the market to hit rock bottom.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the residential development projects that has been caught in the down cycle.
What can we expect from the Vancouver Winter Olympic 2010? If there is any boost to the economy, it would have probably been reflected in the bull cycle the past 3 years. Also, most expected related projects will be completed by 2009 leaving a lot of workers with no new projects considering the lack of market demand now. Since the full effect of the US recession is expected to be felt in Canada sometime next year, we can expect that the British Columbia real estate market will take another plunge sometime next Winter.
Bush on "Pot Calling Kettle Black"
"And they have no disregard for human life." -- George W. Bush, on the brutality of Afghan fighters, Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008
Bush is in denial
When you are told that your investments are protected, secured and guaranteed, can you really tell the difference? Do you know what are “Principle Protected”, “Principle Guaranteed” and “Guaranteed Return”? If you are confused, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Let me try and break it down for you.
Principle protected funds are as the name suggests protected by secured backing. The type of secured backing involved depends on how each fund is structured. Some may be backed by investment grade (eg. AAA, AA, etc.) bonds while others may be backed by put options. As you probably know by now, the investment grading may be flawed while the put options are susceptible to market volatility.
Principle guaranteed funds have secure third parties like banks to provide a 100% guarantee of the principle sum. Of course if the guarantor folds, the guarantee also disappears. Therefore it is imminent to get a strong guarantor’s guarantee for the principle guaranteed fund to be truly secure.
Guaranteed return is, as its name suggests, a guaranteed amount of return on your investments. However, many people mistakenly assume that the guaranteed amount involves the principle.
Please read the fine print of the terms and conditions carefully to better understand the risk you are undertaking. If you are interested in getting a better understanding of the financial terms commonly used nowadays, you can read this Dictionary of Financial Terms.
It is actually rather hilarious why we never get tired of cliches. And for you hardcore horror movie addicts, SAW V is coming out October 24th. Let's watch it together.
There are plenty of informative resources to keep you occupied and I particularly found the following articles stimulating - "Alternative Currencies", "Financial Crisis - An Opportunity To Innovate" and "Imagine: A Bank Putting Your Money Where Your Heart Is".
The key here is these are real life problems we are reading about here. When you talk about making a difference in the world one small step at a time, this may be a good place to start.
I have always been somewhat of a clean freak. My desire to be neat and clean has transgressed with time into a fetish. I believe my parents must have been as pleased as they were puzzled at their more diminutive son’s reticence to allow dirt house room. There is a certain allergy to impurities that give me goosebumps, induce me to wash, to bathe and to clean. My conviction was so stalwart that no amount of calluses and chastisements could have forced me to desist in my efforts.
Being neat has rendered me resistant to any big changes. Yet my life is anything but boring and mundane. My epiphanies have been many. They are the result of long periods of solitude and silence. They come almost everytime I clear my mind. And the source of my inspiration? I think it has to do with some kind of obsession with trying to link and associate everything together. I look at the clowd and maybe I see a circus, maybe I see a beautiful face or maybe I see the sun hiding behind it like a shy baby.
My lifetime has been short but eventful. I have travelled to many places, seen many things and dreamed every night. Yet, I stumple to pinpoint a single time as my defining moment. I say this because my life with you in it was not made of days and nights, not marked by dusk and dawn. Life is a single stream of consciousness, with integrity as the cornerstone of its beauty.
More than anything, we were content in each other’s company. Being content is the foundation of a long-lasting relationship. Yes, this was an epiphany too. It made monotony bearable. It made life fulfilling and enjoyable. It made the world beautiful. And the day I saw you, waves and waves of ephiphanies consumed me.
And being content is taking whatever dirty laundry you have. Maybe I will get it cleaned today. Or maybe tomorrow. In that sense, you took away my fetish and made me less of a freak.
A stronger U.S. dollar may not be all that bad. It means that the commodities’ prices will drop thus curbing inflation globally. As inflation is curbed, governments around the world would be able to cut their interest rate in the effort of unfreezing the credit markets . The big question is whether these are enough to stop the global recession.
Interesting to note is that the Yen is the only currency holding strong as the increase in rates like LIBOR and drop in credit is forcing speculators to close out carry trades and pay back yen-dominated loans. Carry trades became popular as swings in exchange rates fell to record lows because there was less risk that rapid changes would wipe out profits. Things have certainly changed at the blink of an eye.
So for now, the U.S. dollar should continue to grow against the Euro as the European governments have their hands full trying to save failing banks and their financial system. The Yen should quietly follow.