It seems almost impossible for me to stay away from writing and believe me, I have tried.
I feel like a 2 year old trying to stay away from toys and more importantly, everything that nudges my curiosity scares me to some extent. It kinds of reinforces that life is full of irony and dilemmas. Perhaps why I am so drawn to writing is the abundance of time lately that I am required to actually process my thoughts. Who knew time has been the culprit all along? Give a person enough time and he will be bored enough to think, to dream, to act.
So the first obstacle to starting a blog is deciding why you want one and making the decision to go through all the troubles to register an account. I must confess that the struggles to make the first step were way more difficult than all the 5 minutes I spent to give birth to Evolution Paradise. The name, of course, needs a little innovation considering that there had been millions of blogs before me. I asked myself why do we need millions of blogs and wonder how many of these blogs are meaningful. Oh, what the heck. I write to transcend meaning upon myself and not others. Back to the name. It is my dream that this name will push limits and hopefully answer the question, “What is the value of life?”.
A direct and simple question, no doubt, that requires deep insight to find an answer which probably can only be applicable to you. A million trifling details of everyday life invade me. I find myself questioning the ostensible nature of the bible, the idealistic and selfless candor of a supreme being, every congenial fact that is deemed commonsense. Drawing on my observations, I will come out clamorously and claim my supposition that my life possesses more value to me than you.
I took a comparative analysis with the lives of a pool of the most prominent figures that includes Carolus Linnaeus, Albert Einstein, James Hutton and Henry David Thoreau. Surely, their existence made the world a better place if not to live, at least to remember. With these people, their accomplishments would mean more to the world than any average person, yet this reveals nothing of the true value of their lives. This leads me to my next question: How do we measure life - by accomplishment and success or by quality or length of life?
I definitely cannot speak for anyone besides myself and claim that their life means more to them than others. But, I do think everyone at some point in their life would question their self-worth and few would find others that can provide them with the answers. Perhaps that is why people challenge themselves, look within themselves and constantly question themselves with answers only they could come up with, and in doing so prove that I am not alone.
While it is hard to understand the mysteries of life, one must never lose hope. As I seek my own paradise, you should be seeking yours. And if you are lucky as most geniuses are, one plus one might just lead to .... EUREKA!!
Finally, the baby borned on 21 August 2008, 2:07PM has been named.
A direct and simple question, no doubt, that requires deep insight to find an answer which probably can only be applicable to you. A million trifling details of everyday life invade me. I find myself questioning the ostensible nature of the bible, the idealistic and selfless candor of a supreme being, every congenial fact that is deemed commonsense. Drawing on my observations, I will come out clamorously and claim my supposition that my life possesses more value to me than you.
I took a comparative analysis with the lives of a pool of the most prominent figures that includes Carolus Linnaeus, Albert Einstein, James Hutton and Henry David Thoreau. Surely, their existence made the world a better place if not to live, at least to remember. With these people, their accomplishments would mean more to the world than any average person, yet this reveals nothing of the true value of their lives. This leads me to my next question: How do we measure life - by accomplishment and success or by quality or length of life?
I definitely cannot speak for anyone besides myself and claim that their life means more to them than others. But, I do think everyone at some point in their life would question their self-worth and few would find others that can provide them with the answers. Perhaps that is why people challenge themselves, look within themselves and constantly question themselves with answers only they could come up with, and in doing so prove that I am not alone.
While it is hard to understand the mysteries of life, one must never lose hope. As I seek my own paradise, you should be seeking yours. And if you are lucky as most geniuses are, one plus one might just lead to .... EUREKA!!
Finally, the baby borned on 21 August 2008, 2:07PM has been named.
HaHaHa~~~ Eureka...
The idea of discovering... whether within thyself or with the surroundings.... will also only means the most to oneself when occured...
So welcome to the World of I am Not Alone... HaHaHa~~~
Oops... also only mean...
So, how... do you think you plan on measuring your life~?
I'll let you know when I stop dying, lol. That is also when I can sum up my life's work, reflect on my experiences and evaluate the results.
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