Where to start apportioning blame? Starting with the long-held misapprehension that the Mayan calendar picks 2012 as the date of humanity's doom, Emmerich fleshes out that bit of pseudo-history with some pseudo-science -- some nonsense about solar flares, and neutrinos heating the Earth's core -- and while at it, throws in hundreds of millions of dollars. Director Roland Emmerich is the very one who threatened the world with aliens in Independence Day, global warming in The Day After Tomorrow and now solar fire from the earth's core in 2012. You get my drift. Idea for next Emmerich movie - Things fall down, things blow up, world in danger, hero saves the day.
Predictability must be a crime. While it is fun watching Cusack consistently escape the earthquakes always by a hairline, you have to ask what in God's name did this guy do to be this lucky. Then you are left wondering why is it in all disaster movies, landmarks fall like dominos. The Empire State Building is made of rubber. The Golden Gate Bridge collapses like straws Big Ben ticks his last. The Eiffel Tower? And the most important of them all, Statue of Liberty! Well, I suppose nothing is as dramatic as taking the landmarks, symbols of civilization out. And it is getting quite tiresome that we see politics dictate even in such dire times. Can't we just assume for once that human lives are worth more than money, fame and power especially when threatened with extinction?
In any case, 2012 makes for a better case than the millenium bug of Y2K. Wow, the bug was scary..... I assume in another decade, we will be laughing at this one too. Anyways, I am inclined to give one of my harshest reviews yet. A 2/10 for lack of novelty, lame script, weak lines and plot, and a good waste of perfectly capable actors/actresses. Depth, guys, next time in a disaster, I would prefer to see the humanity side, down to the commoner. Honestly, heroism is not relatable to the public.
Predictability must be a crime. While it is fun watching Cusack consistently escape the earthquakes always by a hairline, you have to ask what in God's name did this guy do to be this lucky. Then you are left wondering why is it in all disaster movies, landmarks fall like dominos. The Empire State Building is made of rubber. The Golden Gate Bridge collapses like straws Big Ben ticks his last. The Eiffel Tower? And the most important of them all, Statue of Liberty! Well, I suppose nothing is as dramatic as taking the landmarks, symbols of civilization out. And it is getting quite tiresome that we see politics dictate even in such dire times. Can't we just assume for once that human lives are worth more than money, fame and power especially when threatened with extinction?
In any case, 2012 makes for a better case than the millenium bug of Y2K. Wow, the bug was scary..... I assume in another decade, we will be laughing at this one too. Anyways, I am inclined to give one of my harshest reviews yet. A 2/10 for lack of novelty, lame script, weak lines and plot, and a good waste of perfectly capable actors/actresses. Depth, guys, next time in a disaster, I would prefer to see the humanity side, down to the commoner. Honestly, heroism is not relatable to the public.
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