Now, Hitch was a fun and romantic movie. The charismatic Will Smith plays an image consultant who breaks down the dating game for desperate singles and helps them find true love. Don’t be surprised if people find this such a great idea that there is a huge boost in the community of pick-up artists, dating advisors and image consultants. You can also find a growing collection of related books which generally can be summarized as teaching you to be yourself while emphasizing the qualities that appeals to the opposite sex.
In my opinion, all these resources are nothing more than crap.
Come on. The media has created a love delusion that guys are to be athletic, macho, well-established, suave, tall, responsible, caring and well, you get the point. Ladies are to be gorgeous, tall, sexy, well-dressed and well-groomed. If you took a walk in the city, you will probably get a smack on the head by reality that the percentage of the population with the expected qualities is so low, you have a higher chance of hitting the lottery.
Not to mention, do you know how bad it makes you feel to fail to live up to society’s standards? People get confused that if they are not getting the girl or the guy of their dreams then they must be doing something wrong. Take a look around. Most people just make do with what they can get. It is the few that wants to be turned into a human magnet or have a boost in confidence that enlist the help of a mentor or a guide.
In my opinion, all these resources are nothing more than crap.
Come on. The media has created a love delusion that guys are to be athletic, macho, well-established, suave, tall, responsible, caring and well, you get the point. Ladies are to be gorgeous, tall, sexy, well-dressed and well-groomed. If you took a walk in the city, you will probably get a smack on the head by reality that the percentage of the population with the expected qualities is so low, you have a higher chance of hitting the lottery.
Not to mention, do you know how bad it makes you feel to fail to live up to society’s standards? People get confused that if they are not getting the girl or the guy of their dreams then they must be doing something wrong. Take a look around. Most people just make do with what they can get. It is the few that wants to be turned into a human magnet or have a boost in confidence that enlist the help of a mentor or a guide.
Confidence is the number one turn-on factor for both sexes. For ladies, they like someone not affected by others and know what he wants. It is almost the first rule of thumb. But once again, they are just teaching you to be yourself. That is not to say they are not helping. They add a little of their assurance that they know what women want and they want you. For men, they take pleasures in sight meaning that ladies primarily need to be eye candy. Nowadays, help for ladies commonly comes in the forms of packaging or cosmetic surgeries. These also boost self-confidence.
What is so special about confidence? It allows you to carry a conversation, move and act naturally. Of course, no one wants to feel uncomfortable or awkward so translate that and you get the “be yourself” conclusion once again.
You should have caught on by now that all these hired help is just a motivation for you to improve yourself (Nothing that you shouldn’t be able to operate yourself). Not to mention, some people are just resistant to change. In these cases, I doubt these experts will have much success in providing useful advice anyways.
So, before you commit on the hefty fees these professionals charge, try to change your lifestyle to improve your health, energy and image. You will be pleasantly surprised at how fast things change. Remember - small steps, one at a time.
Originally, I wanted to write about matchmaking with the following focus in mind.
Apparently after Singapore's PM Lee's national day speech promoting marriage and having kids, matchmaking agencies have seen a huge boost in business especially on the male side.
EHHHHH...@_@ Singaporean males have problems finding mates? WOW!...HOW SURPRISING!!!... SO ENTIRELY
UNEXPECTED!!! wouldn't you say? HAHAHAHA...
Look, I agree with you about how confidence is the most important, but if self-help worked for everyone, then there would not be any demand for these consultants.
It's like how losing weight is completely doable alone, but much easier when there is a pre-existing structure to adhere to (i.e., in one of those slimming salons with a strict regime about how much exercise to do and how much to eat, etc.)
In the same way, people sometimes need to see a "professional" to access the information and structure, and motivation and method to start acquiring the confidence they need. I personally think it is absolutely necessary for some people.
But knowing you as well as I do, you will surely not need one of these consultants because you are more likely to apply skepticism to everything they say about what you need to change than embrace their feedback for the betterment of your self.
You know...the extreme swinging between blanket skepticism and over-naivety of others is an unhealthy expression of there is a fundamental distrust of personal judgment.
Stop psycho-analysing me!! Haha!! And if someone pay for it, I will go to an image consultant and at least listen to what bad advice they have.
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