It really gets on my nerves when my sis gets into her technical talk about psychology. And I swear, if we weren’t blood related, I would have upbraided her on her pertinacious illusions of psychology as a science long ago.
Well, let me give you an example of what a joke this whole thing about mental health is.
Man goes to a psychiatrist dressed in a pointy hat, blue naval jacket, brass buttons, arm in a sling.
Well, let me give you an example of what a joke this whole thing about mental health is.
Man goes to a psychiatrist dressed in a pointy hat, blue naval jacket, brass buttons, arm in a sling.
The Psychiatrist looks up wearily, "Yes?"
"Doctor, I keep thinking I'm Adolph Hitler!"
"Surely you mean Napoleon?"
"No, no, no - I AM Napoleon!"
After my sis’s inculcation of my misconception that schizophrenia is a split-personality disorder such as Jekyll and Hyde, I decided to do some research on some of the most common mental disorders available today.
After my sis’s inculcation of my misconception that schizophrenia is a split-personality disorder such as Jekyll and Hyde, I decided to do some research on some of the most common mental disorders available today.

OCD – Just a way of labeling the fastidious. They make wonderful housekeepers and workers you know.
PTSD – Millions of people return from wars and then there are millions who suffered at home. And yes, there were occasional mental health casualties, but really...
ADHD –There have always been rude, obnoxious kids with no discipline and no respect. But now, there is a reason to punish them with the excuse of treatment.
AUTISM – Are they doing it on purpose? This could just be the so-called coolness operating at a younger age.
PHOBIC DISORDER – People were so ignorant in the past they were fearless. Now, the Phobia list is like a page long running from Ablutophobia to Zoophobia. People are so knowledgeable now that they invent all these names and spread the fear.
ADDICTION – If you like doing something too much……. Sure, that sounds like danger.
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